04 March, 2009

Why Alternative Energy isn't

As oil prices recede from all-time dollar highs and some of the hot air gets let out of energy policy debates, it’s a good time to remember that here’s a key concept missing from almost every popular discussion of the subject: energy density. Specialist economists get it, but almost nobody else does. It is important to understanding why most forms of “alternative energy” are mirages, and what a sane energy policy would actually look like.

The background to this is that the few technologies we have for storing electricity (batteries, pump-fed ponds above hydroelectric turbines) are lossy and don’t scale well. Worse, power transmission is significantly lossy as well. These mean several things, all of them bad.

Absence of a decent storage technology means we can’t really time-shift electricity demand. When more electricity is needed (for example, to run air conditioning during the day in the American Southwest) more power plants have to be running and feeding power to the grid in real time. There’s no way to run plants at night and store the generated power for daytime use.

Transmission losses mean our ability to space-shift demand is limited, too, though not as severely. Electricity-intensive industries (the classic example is aluminum smelting) need their own dedicated power plants nearby.

The combination of these problems means that household energy conservation is mainly a way for wealthy Westerners to feel virtuous rather than an actual attack on energy costs. Household conservation slightly decreases the maximum capacity needed locally where the conservation is being practiced, but has little impact further away, where demand has to be supplied by different plants. Industrial efficiency gains are far less visible; but, because the scale of industrial energy use is so much larger, they matter a lot more.

The combination of these problems also means we cannot, practically speaking, aggregate lots of very small flows of electricity into one big one. It’s not just total volume of energy production that matters, but the energy density available to high-volume consumers at a given place at and at a given time. This may sound like a dry technical point, but it has huge and nasty implications.

One is that the most touted forms of so-called “alternative energy” and are largely (though not entirely) useless. Solar and wind power are both time-variable and low-density. Lacking good ways to time-shift and aggregate electricity, this means you can’t count on them to run factories and hospitals and computer server farms. The best you can hope for is that they can partially address low-density usage, running climate control and appliances for homes and some purpose-designed office buildings.

Biomass (including processed forms like ethanol) seems more promising because, like fossil fuels, you can burn it when and where you choose in order to to match your electricity production to demand. The problem is that biomass has much lower practial energy density than coal or oil. This means you have to transport and burn a lot more of it, with much larger pollution and life-cycle costs. One of those is much higher CO2 emissions, which are a significant problem for other reasons even if (like me) you don’t believe they’re driving global warming.

Hydroelectric power is, in most respects, ideal — nonpolluting, renewable, all those good things. The trouble is that, at least in the U.S. and elsewhere in the developed world, we’re not going to get any more of it. All the good sites for high-density hydropower are taken. There’s some potential for low-density hydropower, especially in rural areas to run farms.

Geothermal is like hydropower, economically speaking, but requires unusual geology. Basically the only place it can work on a large scale is in Iceland, home of a full third of the world’s active volcanoes.

Accordingly, hydropower and geothermal are not going to support any larger share of what energy economists call the industrial base load — the day-in, day-out demand for high-density power from all those factories and hospitals and server farms — and printing presses, and food-processing operations, and everything else.

The industrial base load is the life blood of technological civilization; without it, we’d have a hideous global population crash, and then revert to pre-1750 conditions in which the economy is almost entirely subsistence farming and life is nasty, brutish, and short. The first question any energy-policy proposal has to address is how to sustain an industrial base load equivalent to today’s — much higher than today’s actually, if we don’t want to condemn the Third World to perpetual poverty. But most advocates of “alternative energy” evade this question, because they don’t like the answers they get when they look at it squarely.

In the real world, there are only three base load sources that matter: coal, oil, and nuclear (hydropower would be a fourth if it weren’t already maxed out). What they have in common is that you can get lots of energy per gram out of the fuel, thus lots of both energy volume and energy density out of one power plant.

Of these three, nuclear has the highest density, then oil, then coal. Both economic arguments and historical evidence tell us that you can’t have an industrial civilization without a fuel that has an energy density at least as high (and thus a cost per unit of energy as low as) coal. Higher density is better, because it means lower cost.

Those costs are not denominated just in money; low-density energy sources are more labor-intensive to operate and that causes more illness and death. Compare annual deaths from coal mining to annual deaths in the petroleum industry to the annual deaths associated with nuclear power; the trend is dramatic and favors higher-density sources, even if you ignore chemical air pollution entirely.

Nothing on offer from advocates of low-density “alternative energy” even comes close to coal as an industrial baseload source. let alone oil or nuclear. Ethanol and hydrogen look like it, until you consider life-cycle costs; basically, making either costs a lot more than mining coal, both in money and in input energy.

Another key point is that, for transportation, oil is basically the only thing we have that will do. For fixed-location power plants, the energy yield per gram of fuel matters a lot and the weight of the plant machinery only a very little. On the other hand, for automobiles and ships and airplanes, power-to-weight ratio matters a lot. Nuclear and coal basically cannot make that cut, cost-insensitive military applications of nuclear notwithstanding.

For fixed-location power plants, however, nuclear is the clear winner. Coal and oil have lower density and serious pollution costs. They are also much less safe. Yes, I said less safe; the historical evidence is extremely clear on this.

There are some kinds of non-polluting fixed-location plants that might become available in the future: notably tidal generators and atmosphere towers. They will probably be good replacements for nuclear down the road, but they’re not an answer to the transportation problem. Oil is non-renewable; the price is rising and eventually (though not in the near term and not as rapidly as predicted by peak-oil-collapse hysterics) it will run out.

And no, electric cars aren’t the answer either; the power to run them has to come from somewhere. The best case is that people will charge them off the grid at night. This will require power plants to be burning just as much additional fuel as if the cars themselves were doing it, perhaps more given transmission losses. What electric cars can do, at best, is give us fuel flexibility, replacing direct oil-burning with nuclear plants and coal. But that’s not going to net out to lower pollution and lower costs unless we build a lot of nuclear plants very quickly. Thanks to decades of scare-mongering and NIMBYism, this probably isn’t possible in the U.S.

The pressing question, then, remains: What’s going to replace oil?

Let’s draw up a specification for the ideal replacement. We’d like a fuel with the energy density of oil, or better. We’d like the only per-unit cost to be sunlight, because that’s the only thing that’s 100% renewable and (unlike tidal, hydropower, and geothermal) available everywhere. Ideally, we’d like the stuff to not require a huge, expensive conversion job on our energy infrastructure.

Happily, I think this spec can be filled. There are demonstration plants making synthetic oil from algae at a per-unit cost not far above that of oil, and plenty of venture capital looking to fund more. As this technology scales up, algal-synfuel costs will drop below that of oil. At that point, the free market will have solved the problem.

It’s largely forgotten now, but we’ve actually been through a similar transition before. In the mid-19th century whale oil was heavily used for lighting and as an industrial feedstock. Prices rose as whales were hunted to near-extinction; fortunately, the stuff proved to be replaceable by petroleum. Yes, that’s right; big oil saved the whales. A century and a half later, pond scum looks likely to save civilization.


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30 November, 2007

And now Google Energy, too

Just after reflecting on my growing dependency on google for organizing my intellectual life, the company announced a new initiative to develop electricity from renewable energy sources that will be cheaper than electricity produced from coal (hence the name RE<Coal). The initative focuses good parts of its strategic investments and grants one one key technology, namely solar thermal power, to replace especially coal in traditional power plants that produce electricity from a steam-driven generator. Instead of producing the steam through the firing of fossil fuels, solar radiation is concentrated to heat piped fuels which then brings water to boil.
Using concentrated solar power (CSP) to produce electricity apparently seems to be increasingly viewed as the second renewable power source after wind to break into the mass energy market.

A quick characterisation reveals why:
  • the heat produced from CSP can be used to operate traditional steam-cycle power plants. this can be done in solar-mode only or a hybrid modus, increasing so reliability and efficiency of the system (likewise can the efficiency of a combined cycle gas turbine plant again be increased through pre-heating of the water that is brought to boil by the gas jet engine exhaust; ISCCS)
  • thermal storage is inexpensive and allows for night-time solar power generation. Co-firing with biomass and fossil fuels can additionally be used to to deliver electricity
  • process heat from combined generation can be used also for seawater desalination
  • it is a already a proven technology where high capex costs per MWh capacity as well as levelized energy costs are expected to profit significantely in the next 2 to 5 years
The investment costs range currently between 2'800 and 3'900 USD per MWh installed, whereas plant size as well as the size of the thermal storage key cost factors are. Levelized energy costs (LEC), which include operation and maintenance costs over the economic lifetime of the facility, are currently estimated at a range between 0.09 and 0.15 cents.

To reach a truely fundamental tipping point to beat coal, LEC of 0.04 to 0.06 cents will have to be achieved. The advent of utility-scale reliable renewable power though is already a promising outlook in itself!

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28 November, 2007

Living a Google-addicted life

when i start my computer, the first program that starts up is firefox displaying my gmail account. as soon as i reviewed and labelled my new emails i switch over to google calender. usually this happens directly through the daily calender update that i get into my gmail account. if there are any worthwhile documents in my emails, i stuff them on google documents. the third step, after gmail and calender is then to review all news feeds that are being automatically sucked into my google reader. i sort them thematically, star and label the worthwhile stuff. the best stuff i ususally print and share it with co-readers through my google-operated blogger.
for research purposes i used to check randomly google news but since i have the google reader my usage of this service dwindled. whenever i happen to see nice graphics and pictures of green edens or environmental havoc i save and upload them to my google web album. and more and more, i profit from new "interconnecting" features of my most beloved google services. a recent example would be the easy posting of a complete picasa photo album directly into my google blog.
i am now eagerly awaiting google's newest rumored service, the so-called "my stuff": an all encompassing online data repository. since i upload all of my photographic life, i alreday needed to expand my data storage. that is: i pay google to provide me with 10 additional gigabytes. oh, i almost forgot: all my searches are done via google, of course! and my desktop is organized with google desktop which provides me with daily weather, up-to-date news around the world and other necessities. and quite occasionally i use to roam youtube for all kind of video data.

they know all about me. i am completely depended on one single company to organize my life.

going through the day, i recognize that there are several google services i forgot to mention...

  • all my word translations happen through the google translator
  • all my instant calculations happened though the google search prompt
  • virtually all my instant communication happens through gtalk (which btw happens to be THE idea generating application)
  • increasingly i start to use google books and google journals for scientific research purpose
should i take measures against this growing dependency?

at least so much: google uses open standards which allow me easily to transfer my data back home. sincerely, i am getting a little bit worried regarding this issue.

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21 November, 2007

Paul Auster's Fecalist Energy System

Paul Auster depicts in his post-apocalyptic novel "The Country of Last Things" a world on the brink of collapse that harbors a life shaped by absurd rules and unstable, totalitarian governments. Set in a run-down and devastated city inhabitated mostly by homeless people fighting for their daily survival by scavenging, the local government's main goal is distributing misinformation and, of course, upholding power for the sake of power.

I was captured by Auster's imagination on how this city respectively the remains of a once organized political state is fueled. In a city virtually bereft of any new resources and external energy inputs, scarcity is the overriding problem faced by population and government, but how are then the remaining institutions and structures powered? What kind of energy system did Auster imagine?

"Because there is so little left, almost nothing gets thrown out anymore, and uses have been found for materials that were once scorned as rubbish. ... Scarcity bends your mind toward novel solutions, and you discover yourself willing to entertain ideas that never would have occurred to you before"
And then Paul Austers goes on to depict an elaborate system that had been devised for the collection of human waste. Since plumbing does not exist anymore, pipes are corroded and toilets cracked, the city dwellers dispose into hodgepodges which are then collected by so-called "fecalists". These "night soil collectors" "rumble through the streets three times a day, lugging and pushing their rusty engines over the split pavement, clanging their bells for the neighborhood people to come outside and empty their buckets into the tank". Those fecalists have the status of civil servants, on a par with the mighty state police, due to their great importance to the state power.

A similar system exists for the daily collection of dead bodies which are collected by "death trucks" to be fired in the heating chambers of the city's "Transformation Centers"

To upheld "order" in this desperate state of affairs and decay, the local government depends therefore crucially on the collection of feces as well as human corpses for fuel. These bodily remains are converted into methane gas which is used to produce some electricity, heat a couple of buildings and power the remaining death trucks and feces collection cars.

I ask myself how far we will go to produce energy to upheld exisiting political power structures and state institutions?

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20 November, 2007

Toyota's Green Bubble bursting...?

Of course, Toyota is leading the pack as regards the development of market for fuel-efficient and otherwise promising hybrid vehicles. And it is reaping the marketing benefits of its widely acclaimed green credentials. But many of Toyota's large crowd were startled to see Toyota joining the near-dead Detroit Three (that is General Motors, Ford and newly "independent" Chrysler" in lobbying the US congress against the introduction of tougher milage standards. Congress is currently favoring a standard of 35 miles per gallon or approx. 6.7l per 100km...

Why should Toyota be against those standards?

Maybe the launch of this new product line is part of the answer...

Some more facts are given on a recently formed Toyota pressure group.

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19 November, 2007

Of Dark Spreads

Coal is currently by far the cheapest of the common fuels used by power stations relative to their energetic value. And most utilities are betting that it will remain like this. Most of those utilties are also quite sure that the disparity in fuel prices will continue to outweigh the cost of extra CO2 allowances needed for the production of highly carbon dioxide intensive electricity.

The key energy market indicator to watch in order to track the described development is the so-called "clean dark spread". It respresents the net revenue a generator can make from selling power after having bought coal and the required number of carbon allowances. There is an analogous indicator, the clean spark spread, for gas fired generation of electricity.

Those spreads, as seen in the graph below, are therefore an effective reflection of the cost of generating power. And the data collected on the development of these two indicators during the last 12 weeks clearly state: coal is relatively cheap despite having to buy relatively a lot more carbon allowances in comparison to gas. Or in other words: CO2 polluting allowances are too cheap in order to induce a shift away from coal. The result: an unrelentless continuation and growth in coal-fired generation even in carbon-capped european markets. The long-term price expections for C02 alloances seems to be valued so low that none of the currently proposed, planned or under construction standing coal power plants are already "capture ready" (source) (since the carbon sequestration and storage technology solution proposed by the coal industry comes at a hefty price tag)

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15 November, 2007

Why applying WTO rules to trade in biofuel might not be such a bad idea

Production, trade and use of biofuels can bring about significant social, environmental and economic benefits especially to the many nascent, developing economies as well as to rural communities. It happens that the most ideal conditions for the production of high-quality, high energy-efficient biofuel feedstocks, such as sugarcane and palm oil, are primarily located in developing countries in tropical and sub-tropical climates. Additionally, those countries' comparative advantage in the production of biofuels is enhanced by longer growing seasons and lower labors costs in comparison to OECD countries.

So why are developed countries such as the European Communities and the Unites States placing so high barriers in the way of the international trade of biofuels?

I suppose that is due to the emerging "grand agricultural subsidy deal" in exactly those countries. Existing farm subsidies, that have come under considerable and successful pressure in the last decade, are repackaged as "energy security" or "ecological support" measures so that, from a global perspective, an economically and environmentally inefficient and socially harmful domestic production of biofuels can be upheld.

Apply WTO rules to trade in biofuels
Therefore, for many reasons, it could be interesting to apply WTO rules to this sector in order to raise questions about environmentally harmful subsidies for industrial-scale biofuel production, steep import tariffs and other barriers that lock developing countries into the status of raw-material exporter as well as the design of uniform standards, e.g. an international eco-label for sustainably produced biofuel. (a superb collection of papers on trade in biofuels: here)

Another highly interesting issue related to the future of the WTO would be the clarification of the relation between obligations and rights emerging under the kyoto/post-kyoto agreements and global trade rules. (if you're interested in this topic, read on)

But, as regards the need for focusing scantly available resources, i have a strong suspicion that elimination of environmentally harmful biofuel
subsidises would have the highest chances for realization. There is a potentially large alliance to be mobilized for that goal, ranging from environmentalists and free-market enthusiasts in developed countries to most developing countries.

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Maslow's recommendations for strategic environmentalism

Christoph W. Frei, Director of the Energy Industry & Strategy Departement of the World Economic Forum, recently provoked a controversial debatte on the right strategy to pursue from a environmentalist point of view. His paper "The Kyoto Protocoll - a victim of supply security?" (abstract), which was published in Energy Policy, raised the spectre that energy policy priorities ought be put in a clear hierachical order in a similar way as Maslow once did with his now famous pyramid of needs.

The Argument
The argument goes as follows: energy (policy) needs are not subject to trade-offs but to a hierachry (see below graphic). This implies that lower-ranking energy needs have to be satisfyied first, in this case "access to commercial energy" and, as soon as this is granted, "security of supply". Only if these basic needs of the energy pyramid are given, society will be able to pursue higher ranking goals such as "cost efficieny", "natural resources efficiency" and "social acceptability". The latter three energy policy needs exactly correspond with the three-pillared paradigm of sustainability.

Therefore, a sustainble energy policy can only be achieved if, first, the underlying and more fundamental energy needs have been satisfied. This insight has not been morally justified by Frei. He just "observed" it. But all over this observation has been stated again and again as natural order of things throughout the history. A conclusion out of this historical analysis is that supply security issues will always prevail over ecological concerns, so Frei.

New Strategy for Environmentalists
Based on this view, Frei recommends environmentalists to fundamentally rethink their strategy and then to adopt three action lines:

  1. opt for large energy producing cartels (aka OPEC, emerging gas cartel) to control energy prices and facilitate much needed energy investments for the fight against energy poverty
  2. focus energy-related R&D that focuses on simple energy solutions rather than high-tech capex-heavy technologies such as nuke power and carbon sequestration and storage
  3. apply free trade rules to energy commerce, especially in the field of biofuels instead promoting inefficient local production of biofuels
Frankly, for most environmentalists, quite a new perspective!

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04 November, 2007

Watching at Forests

The Basel-based Fondation Beyeler's special photographic exhibition "Forests of the World" presents an incredibly beautiful portrait of the trees and forests of our planet. The exhibition is not going to stay for long (as it is to be feared for our real forests...), so have a look if you can.

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03 October, 2007

greenwash, vol. II

how nice it is to stroll along the street. i get to see street ads like these (see picutre below), suggesting that such a suv jeep is a technical master achiever as regards fuel efficiency. i wonder whether the car drivers passing by are able to read the small print. here is it written that the jeep patriot emits 176 gr co2 per kilometer. the european union works to put the emission limit to a level of 120 gr co2...

the average fuel efficiency of newly imported cars to switzerland though is still sinking... thanks to the big success of heavy luxury outdoor cars like the jeep patriot (even though we do have quite a lot of mountains in switzerland, the excellent state of the road infrastructure does not require the purchase of an offroader to reach remote places).

it just shows that the promised self-regulation towards higher fuel emissions by the otherwise heavily protected car importing cartel revealed itself again as an attempt to postpone effective regulation. more on this from official side: here

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